The importance of 11+ reading

The importance of 11+ reading

Reading can boost your child’s development and preparation for the 11+ test on many levels.

  • Stimulates your child’s imagination and therefore their creativity.
  •  Develops a wide range of vocabulary – essential for progress in Reading Comprehension and Creative Writing skills, Verbal Reasoning.
  • Improves spelling skills.
  • Improve grammar skills.
  • Improves fluency.
  • Develops the ability to read quickly while understanding and absorbing the information read.
  • Helps develop good punctuation skills.
  • Develops concentration skills and builds stamina.
  • Will help in other areas such as Verbal Reasoning, Non- Verbal Reasoning and maths.

Encourage your child to read regularly. Ideally between 30 minutes to one hour each day or as often as they can manage

One way to help reluctant readers is to read with them and then perhaps talk about what you have read.

The following is a list of books which your child might enjoy- especially the more reluctant readers.

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